Monday, October 10, 2005

All's well that ends. . .well

We should have known this trip was doomed from the start. Our wonderful forecasters in Middle TN had said rain would be moving through our area on Wednesday night, Thursday morning as late as last Tuesday. Well wouldn't you know, they were wrong as usual. The rain held off until Friday.

Instead of braving large amounts of rain and wind, we decided to change our site. Mousetail Landing State Park in Linden, TN, became our new destination. (BTW, look it up; very interesting how it got its name!) The trail was an easy hike, we stayed in a screened in shelter overlooking the TN River, but Friday night, Greg got sick, VERY sick. We had to call in the park ranger Saturday morning to get him out because of his dehydration. On top of that, I also began to feel sick that morning.

Luckily, the ranger offered to ferry us all out instead of making us hike the 2 hours, so we could get Greg home sooner. I spent the rest of the weekend in bed trying to recover from some kind of virus that apparently is making its rounds in our circle of friends.

So here I am on Monday, getting ready for Parent-Teacher conferences, still not really feeling all that well, but what are hiking trips without the stories, eh?

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